Glamour Molton


Glamour Molton

5,995.00kr Exkl. moms


  • Light and sound absorbing textile
  • Reflective glitter for effect when lighting 
  • Flame protection: DIN 4102 B1 + M1
  • Width 300 cm.
  • Weight approx. 320 g/m2
  • Material: 100% Cotton

Vid beställning av denna produkt debiteras frakt i efterhand. Detta beror på att priset för frakt varierar beroende på vart du bor, hur många och vilka varor du köpt, samt vilket fraktsätt som passar dina beställda varor. Vi vill se till att du som kund endast betalar för den frakt som faktiskt krävs. Önskar du veta om det exakta fraktpriset i förhand ber vi dig kontakta oss

Molton is by far the most common basting fabric in the theater and event industry.
For the absolute best acoustic properties, the fabric should hang folded and some distance from the wall, preferably 10-20cm.
We stock backdrops in multiple colors and sew them up according to the customer’s needs and wishes.
This fabric can be used as stage covering, backdrop and decor.
Molton fabric is always sold by the ball, and not by the roll. The fabric is delivered to us ex factory weight per approx: 100cm per fold. When a customer orders a certain number of meters, we roughly cut the fold and thus deliver not an exact measurement, but an approximate measurement. This is how molton is made and sold all over the world. If accurate meters are important, you should order an extra meter.
Certificates for flame protection are available.